If you are trying a worker’s compensation claim, then you know that the timing is everything. Often, the entire case rests on one or two important factors in the timeline of events, and a case can be won or lost based on how well those specific moments in time are documented. If that alone isn’t enough to show you how important a medical summary is when it comes to trying cases, then there’s not much else that can convince you.

Professional Medical Summary Services

Even though medical summaries are already recognized as crucial to a case, many people still feel like it’s something they are able to do on their own. This might be because they think it’s easier, or cheaper, to try and do this without involving anyone else. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. Just like providing legal representation to a worker’s compensation claim isn’t something that just anyone can do, compiling medical documentation is a task that is best left to the professionals.

Why is this the case? Because medical summaries are, to some extent, like puzzles. It’s more than just tracking down documents — it’s piecing together a comprehensive, systematic, thorough timeline of all the various parts of a story. Often, the various players in the story aren’t aware of each other or the specific roles that they played, so rather than relying solely on individuals you have to go wherever the evidence might take you. When finished, you have a complete and thorough record that not only documents injuries, but also attempts to draw conclusions as to why certain things did or didn’t happen, and who ultimately is to blame.

These are not things that come easy. This is why it’s important to trust your medical documentation to experienced, trained professionals who are able to wade through what might look like confusing and often-times contradictory information in order to get to the truth of your worker’s compensation claim, or any sort of claim for that matter.

If you are attempting to compile a medical summary, and you’re realizing that you could use some help, please don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at LM Summary Services.

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