Your time is money, literally. As a lawyer, you bill your clients based on the amount of hours that you work on their case. Every hour that is wasted on a time-consuming task that could be delegated is bad for your business. It means that spending more time on slow moving work can take you away from more important tasks that make it possible to add more clients and work more effectively on your current client’s cases. Writing your own chronologies for personal injury cases will slow you down.

Chronologies are Slow and Time-Consuming

Think about all the work that goes into your medical chronologies. You have to get access to the information. You have to sift through the information looking for pertinent information that will help move your personal injury case forward. You may have to pull up a medical dictionary to try to decipher exactly what the medical jargon means. You may even have to call the physician to ask questions. All of this can take up a lot of time. So, maybe you delegate this task to another person in your office or hire someone special in your office just for this task. Ultimately you could be costing yourself money unnecessarily.

Considering Costs

Every business, no matter if it’s a law office or a restaurant wants and needs to find ways to reduce overhead costs. Pass this work on to another employee or hiring someone else means that you may be adding to your overhead costs. Your employee’s time is just as valuable as your own as they already have important tasks they are handling, and this task can slow them down just as it would you. You could hire someone that has medical expertise especially for this purpose, but what happens if you only have a few personal injury cases at a time?

Best Solution

The best solution for your business is to go to a professional service that only handles medical chronologies and similar products for a variety of legal cases. There are a few reasons why you are better off going with this type of service. One is the time savings. Another is the reduced overhead. Also, you know that your case will be supported with expertly prepared medical documentation. A final reason is that this type of service is scalable to how many cases you’re working on in a month.

LM Summary Services can make a difference in how your law firm functions. Contact us today about how we can take these slow and time-consuming chronologies off your plate to open you up to more work.

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