Clinical trials are one of the backbones of our medical innovation process. They allow both public and private researchers as well as pharmaceutical companies to test out new drugs and treatments on people to see how well they work — and they’re incredibly useful to find out if there are any unexpected side effects that cannot be determined from first testing the new treatment out on animals.

Typically, most clinical trials are run in accordance with strict regulation by the federal government as well as ethical guidelines that require them to warn participants of any potential harmful effects, as well as to conduct the study in a scientific manner (with a control group that does not undergo treatment or receives a placebo). However, every now and then there are some that don’t follow the rules — and as a result, you may have a client that got injured and now wants to sue.

These cases are sticky, and often require extensive research into the medical literature to try to understand what the trial was trying to achieve and why a client may have had a damaging experience. However, if you do discover evidence of mismanagement that can be proven to have led to your client’s injury, you’ve done the bulk of the work — the next step is convincing a judge.

That’s where a medical summary service comes in. In order to show that the clinical trial deliberately led to your client’s current condition, you need to show that the symptoms they’re experiencing aren’t the result of something else. Creating a medical summary that goes over all of your client’s previous medical conditions and treatment is an essential component of litigating these cases, because you can go through it and show that the current situation is a targeted one, arising straight from the mismanagement on the part of the clinical trial.

And there’s benefits to getting this summary written for you instead of doing it yourself — namely, the time-consuming nature of the thing. As a busy professional, you have better things to do than sift through old medical records; and as specialists in creating summaries for all sorts of medical histories, the process goes faster (and is often more readable) when it is done by someone who specializes in this area.

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